Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Whew-2008 is over- What Now?

Whew, 2008 is over, what happens now?   Welcome to my blog, I am sitting and thinking how we can make sure that 2009 is not like 2008. 

 Let’s not write off 2008 just yet, we accomplished a lot.  As a nation we rallied under that banner of change to create a better world.  It’s the first time in recent history that I remember being elated at the election of a president.  I wish Barack Obama and his team the strength to focus on the important things, and the ability to ignore the trivialities that I’m sure will pursue them.   

We also survived, we woke up this morning and we are alive, that’s a big deal.  

From an economic perspective we are all in a bit of a funk, we’ve lost money, jobs, savings, but most importantly we’ve lost the guarantee that everything was always going to go up.  We’ve lost the trust in the regulatory agencies (the ones that actually existed), we no longer believe in the American dream….whoa stop right there, this is the American dream the America dream says that we have the strength to go through the bad times, that we can come back after anything.  

2009 is going to be a great year I decided that.  I don’t know how it’s going to be great, I don’t know why it’s going to be great, but it will be great, I decided that.  Do you want to come along for the ride? 

Here’s my biggest goal for 2009, wake up in the morning of January 1, 2010 and be alive. After that I’ll ride the roller coaster and let you know how it came out.  

I’m working on a growing a new business during the most difficult economic period in the last 70 or so years; I must be crazy, yes crazy like a fox.  This is the time to try something new, the world will be different and we want to be part of the new world, let’s take charge of making the differences, and be proactive instead of reactive. 

In this blog I'll  talk about my business and how I’m building it, and other random ramblings.....come along for the ride. 

Claudine Halpern  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog!